Gen Bakes

Branding Photography Illustration

Gen Bakes is a popular microbakery and popup run by brilliant baker, running community fixture, and energetic dynamo Genevieve Huang. She bakes cakes, cookies, tarts, and all sorts of other delicious treats for clients throughout the month and hosts monthly popup events in the Boston area to sell her treats.

A quick look through Gen’s Instagram feed where she documents her many baking projects will have you craving for a delicious and beautiful treat. While working on her brand strategy, we realized that her voice and her wonderfully playful, outgoing spirit make her standapart in a sea of other talented bakers. It can be easy to choose a simple and classic showcase, or something very earthy and homespun as many other bakers have done, but we decided to dare to find the line between something bold and fun, while tasteful to match her skillfully executed baked goods.

Plus Jakarta Sans is a modern take on a geometric sans that has softer edges and angled stroke endings that encompasses Gen’s love of clean soft lines and minimalism. Since the type is more understated, we punched it up a few notches with lots of colors, a wavey layout that mimics the squiggly shapes she pipes onto her cakes, and little flowers thrown into the mix.

Instagram is Gen’s main point of contact with her clientele. Throughout the week, she updates her stories with in-progress vidos, sneak peeks, and announcements about upcoming popup menus.